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Austin-Lugterer Nsesonkpa is the CEO of ALN I.T Services & Training. I attended the University of Education, Winneba, Kumasi-Campus (UE-K) now Akenten Appiah Menkah University of Skills Training and Entrepreneur Development (AAMUSTED). He also has an Honors Diploma in Network Engineer on Microsoft Technologies and a Certified P.C Technician Certificate both from N.I.I.T Ghana. Based on the years of practical experience on the job and self thought, he has developed skills in computer programming in java, web development, CCTV surveillance installation, cyber security etc. His passion in information technology led to the formation of this I.T firm to provide IT solutions. Since we discovered Rightdigit, our I.T solutions to our clients has maximized as they've always delivered quality surveillance products to us. Their customer service is on point and we love doing business with them.

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